Unreal "Typewriter" text block effect

I've spent way too long getting this right. It seems so simple to just have a letter appear every fraction of a second in a text block... and it is. At least until you start caring about details like line wrapping not breaking mid-effect and rich text support.…

Realtime turn-based AI

You know how in most forms of media (games, comics, movies, whatever) if a group of people gang up on the "hero" or player, they tend to attack one at a time? It's a pretty common trope [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MookChivalry], but…

Scripted Dialogue Sequences

I've been working on a prototype for a game in Unreal as a personal endeavor for around 8-9 months now. One of the systems I setup pretty early on was a way to very easily script cutscenes through blueprint. It's primarily based around writing textual dialogue,…

Improving Pathfinding + Navigation

In my last post [https://xbloom.io/2020/01/20/scriptable-cinematics-with-coroutines/] I showed off how my cinematic system works. The result was this nice little gif: The caption said, "The navigation system is a little funky and needs a rewrite"... Well, now I've done a large…

Designing AI for Explore

In my previous article [https://xbloom.io/2017/11/10/scriptable-dungeon-generation/] I talked about designing a dungeon generation system for the roguelike I'm working on [https://xbloom.io/2017/11/07/designing-a-web-based-roguelike/], Explore [https://xbloom.io/tag/explore/]. Today I'm going to talk about writing the…

Scriptable Dungeon Generation

I've talked about dungeon generation in the past [https://xbloom.io/2016/04/17/more-complex-dungeon-generation/], specifically an algorithm that I've used in a few places. That same algorithm is at work in my roguelike which I've been calling "Explore [https://xbloom.io/tag/…